Free GEM Local Subscription and Monthly Grants Calendar

"Your Community Group_name goes here" has partnered with Strategic Grants to provide community groups with free access to GEM Local. GEM Local (Grants Expertise Management system) is a grants database designed to help community groups find the right grants for them. This helps you with relevant grant opportunities, grant preparation tools and training. The aim is to build your capability and increase your access to funding.

Who is eligible?

Any of your community groups interested in accessing GEM Local or the monthly grants calendar can register their interest.

To access the scheme, community groups must meet ALL the following eligibility criteria:

Free access is provided for 12 months, and renewal is dependent on [Your Community Group's] continued support for the scheme and your ongoing use of it.

What if you are NOT a legal entity?

Being a legal entity (e.g. a Charitable Trust or an Incorporated Society) and a registered charity is NOT a requirement to access the scheme. However, please be aware that some funders will require this status, before you can make a funding application to them.

What are the benefits of GEM Local?

GEM Local is a grants database designed specifically to help New Zealand / Australian community organisations, small non-profits find the right grants for them.

This easy-to-use tool provides:

After you subscribe

If you take the option to subscribe to GEM Local you will discover that GEM Local is full of resources and has How To Guides, templates and help videos throughout the software to help you learn how to use it.

If you subscribe for the Excel grants calendar you will be added to the mailing list and will receive an email from the next mail out.

You will also have access to other resources such as webinars, templates and help videos. 

Receiving your grants calendar

** We recommend that you subscribe using a desktop computer, preferably running Google Chrome or Firefox. We have had reports of some users experiencing issues when subscribing through a tablet or phone.

There are two ways you can receive grant opportunities. Please choose one of the following options to continue: